Full Professor
head of the group
Senior Research Engineer
Senior Project Manager
Tenured Associate Professor
Assistant Professor (RTD-A)
Assistant Professor (RTD-A)
Assistant Professor (RTD-A)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
Scholarship Holder
Now a researcher at Links foundation. Former PhD Student (2016-19) and Researcher at Noesis Solutions, Belgium (2019-21).
Maurizio Drocco
Scientist at IBM TJ Watson, USA. Researcher at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), WA, U.S. Former PhD student and postdoc (2014-18).
Senior scientist at IBM TJ Watson in Yorktown Heights, USA. Group leader on next-gen IBM cloud group leader. Former PhD student (2013-17).
Research Scientist at Diatech Pharmacogenetics. PhD student. Former PhD student (2012-16).
EMEA HPC Developer Relations
Manager at NVIDIA. Former PhD student.
Group Lead of Compute and Data Service Support at CSCS. Former postdoctoral researcher.
Now HPC system designer at Do-It Systems. Former research associate (2014).
Irfan Uddin
Faculty member in computer science at Kohat University of Science and Technology. Former research associate (2013).
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Trento. Former PhD student (2020-23).
Full-stack developer at Syskoplan Reply IT. Former PhD student (2021-24).