Talks | Parallel Computing


Gianluca Mittone

Benchmarking HPC Performance for State-of-the-Art AI Workloads Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, eupilot, icsc

Gianluca Mittone

Pushing Federated Learning Boundaries: Three Innovative Distributed Intelligence Approaches Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot, fl, icsc

Marco Edoardo Santimaria, Iacopo Colonnelli, Marco Aldinucci

Releasing the CAPIO middleware from MPI derived constraints Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, capio, capiocl, eupex, icsc

Marco Edoardo Santimaria, Iacopo Colonnelli, Massimo Torquati, Marco Aldinucci

CAPIO: Cross Application Programamble IO Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, capio, capiocl, eupex, icsc

Samuele Fonio Bruno Casella Oussama Harrak

Federated Adaboost for Survival Analysis Miscellaneous

European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2nd Workshop on Advancements in Federated Learning (WAFL), 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, epi, fl, icsc

Giulio Malenza

Exploiting C++ Parallel Algorithms through FastFlow Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Giulio Malenza

Exploring energy consumption of AI frameworks on a 64-core RV64 Server CPU Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, DYMAN, icsc

Iacopo Colonnelli

Scientific Workflows in the Heterogeneous Computing Era Miscellaneous


Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Iacopo Colonnelli

Scientific Workflows in the Continuum Era Miscellaneous

2024, (Keynote Talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Alberto Mulone, Doriana Medić, Marco Aldinucci

A Fault Tolerance mechanism for Hybrid Scientific Workflows Miscellaneous

1st workshop about High-Performance e-Science (HiPES), 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupex, icsc, streamflow

Marco Edoardo Santimaria

CAPIO-CL: Cross Application Programmable IO - Coordination Language Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, capio, eupex, icsc

Giulio Malenza

Preliminary analysis of model parallelism applications on a 64-core RV64 Server CPU Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot, icsc

Marco Aldinucci

From HPC4AI to Software & Integration living lab to innovation Miscellaneous

HPC as an enabling platform for AI event, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, HPC, icsc

Marco Aldinucci

Software & Integration lab of FutureHPC spoke Miscellaneous

HPC as an enabling platform for AI event, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, HPC, icsc

Iacopo Colonnelli, Robert Birke, Giulio Malenza, Gianluca Mittone, Alberto Mulone, Marco Aldinucci

Cross-Facility Federated Learning - Part II Miscellaneous

2024, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupex, icsc, space

Iacopo Colonnelli

CWL Working Groups Miscellaneous

2024 CWL Conference, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Gianluca Mittone

Into to Federated Learning Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: fl, icsc

Iacopo Colonnelli

Dynamic hybrid workflows for Deep Learning on HPC infrastructure Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc, jupyter-workflow, streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli

CWL in the HPC Ecosystem Miscellaneous

Workshop on workflow languages for HEP analysis, 2024.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, eupex, icsc, space, streamflow

Alberto Mulone

Workflows for future High-Performance Computing Miscellaneous

COMETE PhD Workshop, 2024.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Lorenzo Brescia

Secure Generic Remote Workflow Execution with TEEs Miscellaneous

Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Workflows in Distributed Environments, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: confidential, icsc

Giulio Malenza, Marco Edoardo Santimaria

Benchmarking Parallelization Models through Karmarkar`s algorithm Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: HPC, icsc

Robert Birke

FLaaS: Federated Learning as a Service Miscellaneous

ICSC - Spoke 1 meeting, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, icsc

Alberto Mulone

Cross-Platform Full Waveform Inversion Miscellaneous

ICSC - Spoke 1 meeting, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc, streamflow

Robert Birke

The impact of the advances in generative models on applications and systems Miscellaneous

8th GDR RSD / ASF Winter School on Distributed Systems & Networks 2024, 2024, (Keynote talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, eupilot, textarossa

Gianluca Mittone

RISC-V for AI Miscellaneous

High Performance, Edge And Cloud computing Conference 2024 (HiPEAC 2024), 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot, icsc


Barbara Cantalupo

The Software Heritage Analytics Framework Miscellaneous

Admire User Meeting, 2023, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: admire

Simone Pernice

GreatNector Modelling Tool Miscellaneous

Admire User Meeting, 2023, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: admire

Marco Aldinucci

Federated Learning: A Distributed System Viewpoint Miscellaneous

Bicocca University seminars, Milan, Italy, 2023, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot, icsc, textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli, Robert Birke, Giulio Malenza, Gianluca Mittone, Alberto Mulone, Marco Aldinucci, Valerio Basile, Marco Antonio Stranisci, Viviana Patti, Jeroen Galjaard, Lydia Y. Chen, Sanzio Bassini, Massimiliano Guarrasi, Gabriella Scipione, Jan Martinovič, Vit Vondrák

Cross-Facility Federated Learning Miscellaneous

1st EuroHPC User Day, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, ai, eupex, eupilot, HPC

Gianluca Mittone, Giulio Malenza, Marco Aldinucci, Robert Birke

Distributed Edge Inference: an Experimental Study on Multiview Detection Miscellaneous

The 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2023), 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, eupilot, icsc

Alberto Scionti, Iacopo Colonnelli

Orchestrating Multi-Domain Workflows: The ACROSS Approach Miscellaneous

Workflows Community: Modern Workflows for Continuum and Cross-Facility Computing, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, streamflow

Marco Aldinucci, Elena Baralis, Valeria Cardellini, Iacopo Colonnelli, Marco Danelutto, Sergio Decherchi, Giuseppe Di Modica, Luca Ferrucci, Marco Gribaudo, Francesco Iannone, Marco Lapegna, Doriana Medić, Giuseppa Muscianisi, Francesca Righetti, Eva Sciacca, Nicola Tonellotto, Mauro Tortonesi, Paolo Trunfio, Tullio Vardanega

A Systematic Mapping Study of Italian Research on Workflows Miscellaneous

18th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS 2023), 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Iacopo Colonnelli

ACROSS: HPC Big Data Artificial Intelligence Cross Stack Platform Towards Exascale Miscellaneous

LN HPC-KTT Assemblea Nazionale 2023, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli, Doriana Medić, Barbara Cantalupo, Marco Aldinucci

Università degli Studi di Torino: Alpha parallel research group Miscellaneous

HaMMon Kick-Off meeting, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc, streamflow

Giulio Malenza, Valentina Cesare, Marco Aldinucci

Performance portability in HPC: the Gaia use-case. Miscellaneous

2nd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ITADATA 2023), 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Iacopo Colonnelli

Workflow models for heterogeneous distributed systems Miscellaneous

2nd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ITADATA 2023), 2023, (Best PhD Thesis Award).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: jupyter-workflow, streamflow

Samuele Fonio

Benchmarking Federated Learning Frameworks for Medical Imaging Tasks Miscellaneous

Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2023 - 22th International Conference - FedMed, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, eupilot, fl, icsc

Gianluca Mittone, Samuele Fonio

Benchmarking Federated Learning Scalability Miscellaneous

2nd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ITADATA 2023), 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, eupilot, fl, icsc

Gianluca Mittone, Walter Riviera, Iacopo Colonnelli, Robert Birke, Marco Aldinucci

Model-Agnostic Federated Learning Miscellaneous

29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par '23), 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, eupilot, icsc

Gianluca Mittone, Robert Birke, Marco Aldinucci

Model-Agnostic Federated Learning Miscellaneous

29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par '23), 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot, icsc

Giulio Malenza

Building an accelerated OpenFOAM Proof-of-Concept application using Modern C++. Miscellaneous

18th OpenFOAM Workshop 2023, Genova, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: icsc

Marco Aldinucci, Rossana Damiano

OpenScience@UNITO: Milestone 1: a novel continuous training course for data stewards Miscellaneous

University of Torino research commission, 2023, (OpenScience group of the University of Torino).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: openscience

Alberto Mulone, Sherine Awad, Davide Chiarugi, Marco Aldinucci

Porting the Variant Calling Pipeline for NGS data in cloud-HPC environment Miscellaneous

47th IEEE Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2023, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, icsc, streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli

Workflows and the Common Workflow Language (CWL) Miscellaneous

OSA2Micro: An Open Science Approach to Microbiology data integration, 2023, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli

UNITO tools presentation Miscellaneous

CN HPC Flagship 3 Working Day, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: jupyter-workflow, streamflow

Gianluca Mittone, Nicolò Tonci, Robert Birke, Iacopo Colonnelli, Doriana Medić, Andrea Bartolini, Roberto Esposito, Emanuele Parisi, Francesco Beneventi, Mirko Polato, Massimo Torquati, Luca Benini, Marco Aldinucci

Experimenting with Emerging RISC-V Systems for Decentralised Machine Learning Miscellaneous

20th ACM international conference on computing frontiers (CF '23), 2023, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, eupilot, icsc

Gianluca Mittone, Filip Svoboda, Marco Aldinucci, Nicholas D. Lane, Pietro Lio'

A Federated Learning Benchmark for Drug-Target Interaction Miscellaneous

2023 ACM international Web Conference (WWW '23), 2023, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot, icsc

Sofia Karvounari, Eleni Mathioulaki, Michael R. Crusoe, Iacopo Colonnelli

Standardised Workflows at EBRAINS Miscellaneous

Human Brain Project Summit 2023, 2023, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, eupex, space, streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

Experimenting with Systems for Decentralized Machine Learning Miscellaneous

NVidia GTC 2023, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, epi, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, hpc4ai, space, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci

HPC4AI: The Research on AI beyond the public cloud Miscellaneous

CENTAI kick-off meeting, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, brainteaser, epi, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, hpc4ai, space, textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli

CWL for HPC: are we there yet? Miscellaneous

2023 CWL Conference, 2023, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, eupex, streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

From HPC4AI to ICSC living lab: Where systems are the research Miscellaneous

Dell Advanced Computing Workshop 2023: HPC and Beyond, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: admire, eupex, eupilot, hpc4ai, textarossa

Gianluca Mittone

Paving the way to innovative tools for Federated Learning Miscellaneous

2023 HiPEAC Conference, 2023, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot

Bruno Casella, Samuele Fonio

Architecture-Based FedAvg for Vertical Federated Learning Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, epi, fl, icsc

Doriana Medić, Marco Aldinucci

Towards formal model for location aware workflows Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupex, icsc


Iacopo Colonnelli, Barbara Cantalupo, Doriana Medić, Marco Aldinucci

Hybrid workflows for heterogeneous distributed computing Miscellaneous

3rd Italian Workshop on HPC (ITWSHPC), 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, textarossa

Bruno Casella

Benchmarking FedAvg and FedCurv for Image Classification Tasks Miscellaneous

ITADATA, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupilot

Marco Aldinucci

Il calcolo parallelo: una storia di metodi e algoritmi raccontata dalle macchine Miscellaneous

Olimpiadi di Informatica, 2022, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci

La convergenza HPC-cloud è l'anello mancante tra il calcolo scientifico e l'IA applicata Miscellaneous

Intelligenza Artificiale e Business Applications, 2022, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli, Marco Aldinucci

Hybrid Workflows For Large-Scale Scientific Applications Miscellaneous

6th EAGE High Performance Computing Workshop, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, eupex, jupyter-workflow, textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli, Marco Aldinucci

CINI HPC-KTT: HPC Key Technologies and Tools National Lab Miscellaneous

NVIDIA HPC Roundtable, 2022, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli, Dario Tranchitella

Dossier: multi-tenant distributed Jupyter Notebooks Miscellaneous

DoK Talks 141, 2022, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, deephealth, hpc4ai, jupyter-workflow

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow Miscellaneous

2nd HealthyCloud Workshop: Analysis of existing orchestration mechanisms for distributed computational analyses, 2022, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, deephealth, eupex, streamflow, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci

HPC-cloud convergence is the missing link between scientific computing and applied-AI Miscellaneous

Machine Learning for Astrophysics (ML4ASTRO), 2022, (Keynote talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, deephealth, eupex, eupilot

Marco Aldinucci

EuroHPC and the Italian HPC ecosystem Miscellaneous

Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum - EuroCC Romania, 2022, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, icsc, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci

The Italian HPC ecosystem and the next generation of EuroHPC CoE Miscellaneous

EuroHPC EoCoE final summit, 2022, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, icsc, textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli, Marco Aldinucci

T4.1: Streaming models Miscellaneous

TEXTAROSSA General Meeting, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow: a topology-aware WMS Miscellaneous

ELIXIR Cloud, Data & AAI Bi-weekly Technical Calls, 2022, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, deephealth, eupex, streamflow, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci

From small files to no files Miscellaneous

6th Workshop on Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems, 2022, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: admire, eupex

Gianluca Mittone

Python for the human heart: a case study Miscellaneous

2022 Python Conference, 2022, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

Cognitive continuum: a game theoretical approach Miscellaneous

HiPEAC Vision meeting, Brussels, 16 May 2022, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, brainteaser, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci

Da HPC4AI al living lab dello spoke FutureHPC del Centro Nazionale HPC Miscellaneous

Condivisioni, Conferenza GARR 2022, 2022, (Keynote talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eumaster4hpc, eupex, hpc4ai, icsc, textarossa

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow: A framework for hybrid workflows Miscellaneous

EUPEX WP5 bi-weekly meeting, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: eupex, streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli, Dario Tranchitella

OpenDeepHealth: Crafting a Deep Learning Platform as a Service with Kubernetes Miscellaneous

J on The Beach 2022, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, deephealth, hpc4ai, jupyter-workflow, streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli

Distributed workflows with Jupyter Miscellaneous

J on The Beach 2022, 2022, (Workshop).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, deephealth, jupyter-workflow, streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

Parallel Computing: a simple introduction, indeed an abstraction Miscellaneous

I Lincei per la Scuola: scienze per l'innovazione digitale, 2022, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Bruno Casella

Transfer Learning via Test-Time Neural Networks Aggregation Miscellaneous

VISAPP, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow: A framework for hybrid workflows Miscellaneous

ACROSS WP4 meeting, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, streamflow

Bruno Casella

Poster Session VISIGRAPP 2022 Miscellaneous

VISIGRAPP 2022, 2022, (Session chair).

BibTeX | Tags:

Iacopo Colonnelli

The OpenDeepHealth toolkit Miscellaneous

DeepHealth Winter School, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai


Marco Aldinucci, Sergio Rabellino

[No title] Miscellaneous

Vertiv keep it running tour, 2021, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: hpc4ai

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow: A framework for hybrid workflows Miscellaneous

ACROSS WP4 meeting, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

The modernization of HPC applications for the cloud era Miscellaneous

Fifth EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream, 2021, (Keynote talk).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, deephealth, streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli

HPC Containers Miscellaneous

ACROSS WP4 meeting, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across

Marco Aldinucci

From skeletons to workflows in the cloud-edge era Miscellaneous

14th Intl. Symposium on High-Level Programming and Applications (HLPP), 2021, (Keynote talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, deephealth, streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

Reproducibility in the AI era Miscellaneous

Penta Scientific Meeting, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, deephealth

Marco Aldinucci

DeepHealth perspective Miscellaneous

Future challenges in IoT, AI, and convergence of HPC & Cloud & Big Data – BDVA Data Week, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth

Marco Aldinucci

The Italian research on HPC key technologies across EuroHPC Miscellaneous


Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, eupex, eupilot, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci, Marco Beccuti

DeepHealth: Deep Learning ad alte prestazioni per applicazioni in ambito medico Miscellaneous

Reserach meeting of the PoloICT, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci, Marco Beccuti

HPC4AI: Un sistema per la ricerca e l'innovazione dei servizi cloud per l'Intelligenza Artificiale Miscellaneous

Reserach meeting of the PoloICT, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci, Iacopo Colonnelli

The Universal Cloud-HPC Pipeline for the AI-Assisted Explainable Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia Miscellaneous

NVidia GTC'21, 2021, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai, streamflow

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow: cross breeding cloud with HPC Miscellaneous

2021 CWL Mini Conference, 2021, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

On HPC, AI and their Fatal Attraction Miscellaneous

CNR IEIIT, Thursday seminars (11 Feb 2021), 2021, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci

HPC4AI: A cloud-HPC ecosystem designed for research and innovation Miscellaneous

Advanced Computing Workshop 2021: HPC and Beyond, 2021, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci

Lung Nodules Segmentation in CT scans by DeepHealth toolkit Miscellaneous

25th Intl. Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2021, (Demo).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth

Marco Aldinucci

HPC application cloudification: the streamflow toolkit Miscellaneous

PARMA-DITAM (co-localed with HiPEAC), 2021, (Keynote talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci

High-performance computing and AI team up for COVID-19 diagnostic imaging Miscellaneous

AIhub, 2021, ((magazine)).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai


Iacopo Colonnelli, Sergio Rabellino

JupyterFlow: Jupyter Notebooks su larga scala Miscellaneous

Workshop GARR 2020, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai, jupyter-workflow

Marco Aldinucci

Polmonite da COVID-19, diagnosi con l'intelligenza artificiale: Italia in prima fila Miscellaneous

Agenda Digitale, 2020, ((magazine)).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow: cross breeding cloud with HPC Miscellaneous

HPC-Europa3 2nd Transnational Access Meeting (TAM), 2020, (Invited talk).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

The DeepHealth project Miscellaneous

HPC, Big Data, IoT and AI future industry-driven collaborative strategic topics virtual workshop — HPC / HPDA spectrum, 2020, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth

Marco Aldinucci

Building avenues for AI-assisted diagnosis over the bridge from HPC to AI Miscellaneous

CLAIRE COVID webinar, 2020, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth

Marco Aldinucci

StreamFlow: cross-breeding cloud with HPC Miscellaneous

Computability in Europe 2020 (CIE), 2020, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth

Marco Aldinucci

Machine Learning: the treacherous journey from data to knowledge (with examples from HPC4AI@UNITO platform) Miscellaneous

Machine Learning Meets Chemistry @ the Department of Chemistry, University of Torino, 2020, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: deephealth, hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci

HPC4AI: From Enabling Platforms to Technology Sovereignty to Innovation Miscellaneous

Elixir-Italia meeting, 2020, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci

Mnemocomputing Miscellaneous

HLPGPU 2019 (Satellite workshop of HiPEAC 2019), 2020, (Keynote talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:


Marco Aldinucci

How Artificial Intelligence is shaping the Future of Health Miscellaneous

1st Industrial Conference on Artificial Intelligence and health, 2019, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Iacopo Colonnelli

StreamFlow: un approccio dichiarativo a workflow e pipeline di micro-servizi Miscellaneous

Workshop GARR 2019, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: streamflow

Marco Aldinucci

Towards DeepLearning at Scale Miscellaneous

SPPEXA Final Symposium, 2019, (Invited talk).

BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

The Joint Undertaking EuroHPC Miscellaneous

Giornata Nazionale di Lancio dei bandi Information and Communication Technologies in Horizon 2020, 2019, (Invited talk).

BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

HPC4AI, an on-demand federated platform endeavour Miscellaneous

Ospedale San Raffaele, 2019, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: hpc4ai

Marco Aldinucci

L'infrastruttura necessaria per creare interoperabilità tra pubbliche amministrazioni Miscellaneous

Convegno ``L'amministrazione pubblica con i Big data'', 2019, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

High-Performance Computing Miscellaneous

Istituto per la Competitività, 2019, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci, Claudio Berzovini, Costantino Grana, Marco Grangetto, Luca Pireddu, Gianluigi Zanetti

Deep Learning e calcolo ad alte prestazioni per l'elaborazione di immagini biomediche Miscellaneous

Ital-IA: Convegno Nazionale CINI sull'Intelligenza Artificiale, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: hpc4ai

Iacopo Colonnelli

Deep Learning at Scale Miscellaneous

27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 2019), 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Iacopo Colonnelli

Accelerating spectral graph analysis through wavefronts of linear algebra operations Miscellaneous

27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 2019), 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

The evolution of high-performance systems: from HPC to Big Data to Deep Learning Miscellaneous

4th Open SmartData@PoliTO Workshop, 2019, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:


Marco Aldinucci

L'evoluzione delle piattaforme e dei sistemi ad alte prestazioni: da HPC ai Big Data al Deep Learning Miscellaneous

Chimica passione periodica: Big Data: Modelli predittivi, simulazione, analisi, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Torino, 2018, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

Le piattaforme AI-on-demand come fattore di l'innovazione nelle PMI Miscellaneous

CITYLAB Ecosystem: i dati per le aziende, le città e le università, Nuvola Lavazza Torino, 2018, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

HPC4AI, an AI-on-demand federated platform endeavour Miscellaneous

ACM Computing Frontiers, 2018, (Invited talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

Toward Near-Data Processing service computing Miscellaneous

Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2018, (Keynote talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

From mutexes to lock-free to atomic-less and back to (un-contended) mutex: A story in which energy efficiency is unexpectedly constantly increasing Miscellaneous

Arm Research ltd, 2018, (Invited talk).

BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

Designing a heterogeneous federated data center for research Miscellaneous

DiSIA, University of Florence, 2018, (Invited talk).

BibTeX | Tags:


Marco Aldinucci

Partitioned Global Address Space in the mainstream of C++ programming Miscellaneous

International Parallel Computing (ParCo), 2017, (Keynote talk).

Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Marco Aldinucci

OCCAM: Heterogeneous platforms mixed blessing of code optimisation Miscellaneous

Riunione della Commissione Calcolo e Reti dell'INFN, 2017, (Invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Streaming in the PGAS Era Miscellaneous

International Workshop on Autonomic Solutions for Parallel and Distributed Data Stream Processing (Auto-DaSP 2017), Workshop of EuroPar 2017, 2017, (Keynote talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Designing a heterogeneous federated data center for research Miscellaneous

Euro-Par 2017, 2017.

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Marco Aldinucci

HPC come piattaforma abilitante: rischi e opportunità Miscellaneous

Workshop of the Competence Centre on Scientific Computing of University of Torino, 2016, (Invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Atomic operations considered hARMful Miscellaneous

ARM Research Summary, 2016.

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Marco Aldinucci

I supercomputer venuti dal futuro: Exascale Computing Miscellaneous

International Pint of Science, Officine ferroviarie, 2016, (Invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Composition and Compartmentalisation As Enabling Features for Data-Centric, Extreme Scale Applications: An MPI-X Approach Miscellaneous

SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2016.

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Marco Aldinucci

[No title] Miscellaneous

FastData@UNITO opening, 2016, (Invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Parallel patterns, data-centric concurrency, and heterogeneous computing Miscellaneous

6th IEEE Intl. Conference on High-Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2014, (Keynote talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

FastFlow: high-level programming patterns with non-blocking lock-free run-time support Miscellaneous

Intl. Summer School in Parallel Patterns, 2014, (Keynote talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

An Overview of FastFlow: Combining Pattern-Level Abstraction and Efficiency in GPGPUs Miscellaneous

GPU Technology Conference (GTC 2014), 2014.

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Marco Aldinucci

FastFlow: Combining Pattern-Level Abstraction and Efficiency in GPGPUs Miscellaneous

GPU Technology Conference (GTC 2014), 2014.

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Marco Aldinucci

Turning Big data into knowledge: systems biology droplets in the cloud Miscellaneous

Cloud and Science seminar at ``the Ramon Areces Foundation'', 2013, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

A Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising Miscellaneous

IEEE Intl. Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 2012.

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Marco Aldinucci

Turning Big data into knowledge: Techniques and Tools for Parallel Computing on Online Data Streams in Systems Biology and Epidemiology Miscellaneous

Bio-IT World Europe, 2012, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

FastFlow: high-level programming patterns with non-blocking lock-free run-time support Miscellaneous

UPMARC Workshop on Task-Based Parallel Programming, 2012, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Turning Big data into knowledge: Techniques and Tools for Parallel Computing on Online Data Streams in Systems Biology and Epidemiology Miscellaneous

Workshop in big data management, 2012.

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Marco Aldinucci

Pattern-based Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt-and-Pepper Image Denoising Miscellaneous

HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference, 2012, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

The camera that makes you beauty (with a novel real-time video-denoiser algorithm) Miscellaneous

TOSM expo, 2011, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Performance and productivity in the multi-core era: challenges in software engineering and formal methods Miscellaneous

IMT, 2011, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

FastFlow: Performance and Productivity in the Exascale Era Miscellaneous

IBM Research, Exascale laboratory, 2011, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

FastFlow: Performance and Productivity in the Multicore Era Miscellaneous

Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO), 2011, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

MyMed: Un social network geosensibile per reti fisse e mobili basato sul paradigma Peer-to-Peer Miscellaneous

La notte dei ricercatori, 2011, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

On Parallelizing On-Line Statistics for Stochastic Biological Simulations Miscellaneous

Workshop on High Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (HiBB), 2011.

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Marco Aldinucci

Accelerating code on multi-cores with FastFlow Miscellaneous

Euro-Par 2011, 2011.

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Marco Aldinucci

High-level parallel programming: (few) ideas for challenges in formal methods Miscellaneous

COST Action IC701 workshop, 2011, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

On Designing Multicore-Aware Simulators for Biological Systems Miscellaneous

IEEE Euromicro PDP 2011: Parallel Distributed and network-based Processing, 2011.

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Marco Aldinucci

FastFlow: a pattern-based programming framework for multicores Miscellaneous

seminar 10191, 2010, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Efficient Smith-Waterman on multi-core with FastFlow Miscellaneous

PDP 2010: Parallel Distributed and network-based Processing, 2010.

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Marco Aldinucci

Efficient streaming applications on multi-core with FastFlow: the biosequence alignment test-bed Miscellaneous

ParCo 2009, 2009.

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Marco Aldinucci

STKM on SCA: A unified framework with components, workflows and algorithmic skeletons Miscellaneous

EuroPar 2009, 2009.

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Marco Aldinucci

Towards Hierarchical Management of Autonomic Components: a Case Study Miscellaneous

Euromicro PDP 2009: Parallel Distributed and network-based Processing, 2009.

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Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Patrizio Dazzi, Nicola Tonellotto, Giorgio Zoppi

D.NFCF.05 – NFCF tuned prototype and final documentation Miscellaneous

url, 2009.

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Marco Aldinucci

Towards a Formal Semantics for Autonomic Components Miscellaneous

CoreGRID Symposium, 2008.

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Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Patrizio Dazzi, Nicola Tonellotto, Giorgio Zoppi

D.NFCF.03 – Methodology to derive performance models for component and composite components Miscellaneous

url, 2008.

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Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Patrizio Dazzi, Nicola Tonellotto, Giorgio Zoppi

D.NFCF.04 – NFCF prototype and early documentation Miscellaneous

url, 2008.

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Marco Aldinucci

CoreGRID Institute on Programming Model Miscellaneous

Open Grid Forum (OGF), CoreGRID Industrial Showcase, 2008, (Poster).

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Marco Aldinucci

Autonomic components in GCM Miscellaneous

CoreGRID Scientific Advisory Board, 2008, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

VirtuaLinux: Una soluzione open source per il clustering HPC Miscellaneous

Net & System Security, 2007, (invited talk in italian).

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Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Patrizio Dazzi, Nicola Tonellotto

D.NFCF.01 – Non functional component subsystem architectural design Miscellaneous

url, 2007.

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Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Patrizio Dazzi, Nicola Tonellotto

D.NFCF.02 – Non functional component subsystem architectural design (code) Miscellaneous

url, 2007.

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Marco Aldinucci

Behavioural skeletons for component autonomic management on grids Miscellaneous

CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Programming Model, Grid and P2P Systems Architecture, Grid Systems, Tools and Environments, 2007.

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Marco Aldinucci

Taming the grid through dynamic adaptation: results and open problems Miscellaneous

Last Advances in Computer Science, 2006, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Fault-tolerant data sharing for high-level grid programming: a hierarchical storage architecture Miscellaneous

CoreGRID Integration Workshop, 2006.

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Marco Aldinucci

Autonomic QoS in ASSIST Grid-aware components Miscellaneous

IEEE Euromicro PDP 2006: Parallel Distributed and network-based Processing, 2006.

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Marco Aldinucci

Building Interoperable Grid-aware ASSIST Applications via Web Services Miscellaneous

ParCo 2005, 2005.

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Marco Aldinucci

Towards a distributed scalable data service for the Grid Miscellaneous

ParCo 2005, 2005.

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Marco Aldinucci

Dynamic reconfiguration of grid-aware applications in ASSIST Miscellaneous

Euro-Par 2005, 2005.

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Marco Aldinucci

Rendering Grid Heterogeneity Harmless Miscellaneous

Seminar 04451 – Future Generation Grids, 2004, (invited talk).

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Marco Aldinucci

Accelerating Apache farms through ad-HOC distributed scalable object repository Miscellaneous

Euro-Par 2004, 2004.

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Marco Aldinucci

Optimization techniques for implementing parallel skeletons in Grid Miscellaneous

CMPP 2004 (in conjunction with MPC 04), 2004.

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Marco Aldinucci

An operational semantics for skeletons Miscellaneous

ParCo 2003, 2003.

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Marco Aldinucci

A framework for experimenting with structured parallel programming environment design Miscellaneous

ParCo 2003, 2003.

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Marco Aldinucci

ASSIST demo: a high level, high performance, portable, structured parallel programming environment at work Miscellaneous

9th Intl Euro-Par 2003: Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2003.

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Marco Aldinucci

eskimo: experimenting skeletons on the shared address model Miscellaneous

HLPP 2003, 2003.

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Marco Aldinucci

The META transformation tool for skeleton-based language Miscellaneous

CMPP 2000, 2000.

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