Talks | Parallel Computing

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Marco Aldinucci

Experimenting with Systems for Decentralized Machine Learning Miscellaneous

NVidia GTC 2023, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, epi, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, hpc4ai, space, textarossa

Marco Aldinucci

HPC4AI: The Research on AI beyond the public cloud Miscellaneous

CENTAI kick-off meeting, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: across, admire, brainteaser, epi, eumaster4hpc, eupex, eupilot, hpc4ai, space, textarossa

Bruno Casella, Samuele Fonio

Architecture-Based FedAvg for Vertical Federated Learning Miscellaneous

2023, (

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ai, epi, fl, icsc